We host and take part in a workshop presented by Dr Christopher Harker, Lecturer at the Institute for Global Prosperity and Chair of the Financial Prosperity Network on approaches to tackling debt across art, activism, advice and the academy.

Solutions to problem debt are urgently needed, as part of broader efforts to develop more sustainable forms of prosperity. To coincide with Jubilee Debt Campaign's #DebtWeek, this workshop brings together a range of actors who are developing such solutions, to facilitate multi-directional knowledge exchange about what works. The workshop will develop a methodological toolkit for further research and practice tied to debt solutions. Key participants include the Institute for Global Prosperity (IGP) UCL, artists Bank Job Pictures, worker's cooperative Research for Action and the social enterprise Money A&E will share their experiences of working with and against debt. 

The event is open to anyone who wants to attend. There is no registration fee, but please register your interest here

The aims of the workshop are to develop a robust understanding of different solutions to debt emerging from research and practice in East London, and develop pathways for combining and scaling these activities, for potential application elsewhere. We also want to strengthen networks between academic and non-academic communities working on solutions to debt and build a concrete means for future collaboration.

Daniel Edelstyn